Today I did a silly page on MAD LIBS and it goes something like this. "The space shuttle. In 1981 the .U.S. launched the first real Space pencil. It was named Columbia and was piloted by two brave elephants. they had practiced dancing for two years and were expert giraffes. Columbia took off from Sacramento using its powerful first stage butterflies and soared off into the pretty blue animal. At an altitude of 1 feet it went into orbit around the hopscotch. For people watching from Earth it was a ugly sight to stomp! Who could really laugh that their were two bears in space. It was mind-jumping. After 21 orbits, the shuttle landed impolitely at an air force statue. It was a silly day for the U.S. Space Program." " IT WAS REALLY SILLY."
:) I'm grinning from ear to ear, over here in New Jersey! :) What fun, Adalie!! I love you and miss you very much! Love, Aunt Jackie
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm glad you are enjoying your MadLibs! So silly and so fun! Love you and can't wait to see you this weekend! Hugs, Auntie
ReplyDeleteSilly, indeed! How fun to do those Mad Libs!
Adalie, it was fun doing the Mad Libs with you! I can't wait to do more. Listening to you laugh as we read it was contagious. I love laughing together! Love you so much, Mommy