Friday, March 9, 2012

Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters

We went to see the play about Mufaros Beautiful Daughters on Tuesday with are friends. Here is the story : (Oh and by the way the words in purple are what I said and the words in the  blue is the story I found online) Enjoy!
Mufaro's beautiful daughters is about two sisters   Manyara and Nyasha, who are very beautiful, but who have completely opposite personalities. Manyara is selfish and assertive, while Nyasha is selfless and charitable. Word reaches them that the King of their land is searching for the “Most Worthy and Beautiful” girls in the land so that he can choose a queen. Both set out for the palace, but along the way are met with people of various infirmities who ask them for help. As it turns out, these people are placed there by the King to test the character of the sisters. Manyara, in her haste to get to the palace, is rude and dismissive of these people; Nyasha, on the other hand, stops to help each one by sacrificing something of hers. When they get to the palace, Nyasha is chosen to be queen.

The moral of the story, which seems to be that kind, and loving people are deserving of reward while selfish, power-hungry people are not. 
 Was Manyara beautiful? No, she might be pretty on the outside but when you are pretty on the outside and not pretty on the inside the ugliness starts to show on the outside. Nyasha was pretty on the inside because she was kind and loving and now her prettiness on the inside is now showing on the outside, does that make sense? If you have any questions write a comment our you can write a comment because you like it. Thanks for reading bye!
There was a lot of funny dances and lots of singing. I thought 
it was hilarious and fun!

1 comment:

  1. What a great story. I think your inner beauty does show through to the outside. I know that you are beautiful both on the inside and the outside because you know how to be kind and helpful.
    Love you!
