-Clue 1-
crown has gone missing.
princess dismayed
you detectives,
coming this day.
To begin we must eat,
To keep up our strength.
So sit yourselves down
At the table of length.
So we did just that and we ate Mac-&-Cheese and Hot Dogs yum yum!!!
-Clue 2-
This first clue is simple.
No need to go far.
Mixed in the silver,
Is your clue in this jar.
So we looked in the house and we looked and we looked and then we saw the next clue in the money container.
-Clue 3-
Out the door you must go,
Back and forth, to and fro,
Round and round the tire goes.
Climb up the mountain,
And there you will find,
The next awesome clue
If you are not blind.
So we walked to the blue park where the tire swing swings and up on the climbing rocks lay the next clue.
-Clue 4-
Fall is coming so very fast,
The leaves are changing, what a blast!
Through our window you will see,
The next clue flying free.
We ran all the way back to the house and looked in our tree. There it is, but it is to high we have to hold up Haley our friend. She got it!
-Clue 5-
She teaches, she sews,
Her love for you grows.
So say these words dear,
Her hug, do not fear.
“Wiggle, wiggle, jiggle, jiggle,
Walk-a-walk-a, bing, bang, bong.”
We walked up to Mommy and hugged her so much and said "Wiggle, wiggle,jiggle, jiggle, Walk-a-walk-a,bing ,bang, bong" and she gave us the clue.
-Clue 6-
Hop on in, take a ride,
To the path, right beside.
There’s a fence you must cross,
Find the tree, with the moss.
We got in the car and drove to the fence and went to a tree and got the next clue.
-Clue 7-
There will not be a door,
But a bench you will see.
Sit right down by the tree.
Look high and look low,
But don’t be too slow.
So we started to run to the beach and the first bench we saw we sat right down and looked all around for the clue. Then Zoie looked behind the bench, she found it. Hooray!!
-Clue 8-
You are doing great! Keep it up!
Straight ahead the path cracks up.
To the right you will see,
a sign, BEWARE, there danger be.
We knew what that meant so we ran some more to the gravel road and behind the sign there lay the next clue.
Up ahead the road curves right,
But stop right there, your clue’s in sight.
At a spot meant just for four,
Sit right down, you’ll spot the shore.
We are getting closer and the pirates might be looking for it so we started to tiptoe. We tiptoed to the picnic table there was Daddy!! He said to look for a map and we did and we found it. This is what the map said.....
Beware you must choose a girl who is as old as the number of ones toes. To retrieve the chest! The treasure is close! It's been sunk at sea. But if the tide is right a blue whale will help make it float. But you will need tools to get it. Start with combining all your air to make a raft. Follow the trail of tools to your treasure chest.
We found the raft and blew it up. Then we followed the tools. These are what the tools were. A swimsuit, a snorkel mask, a towel, and a life jacket. You know what that means I have to get on my raft and swim to get to the chest. And that is exactly what I did!
I did it I got the chest we opened it and found jewels necklaces and candy. Hooray!!!!!!!!
We went back home and had our treasure chest cake. And played a game of pin the crown on the princess. We decorated our own crowns. When
I had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW, WOW, WOW!!! That sounds like an amazing and super-fun birthday party, Adalie!! I wish I was ten again and could go to parties like that! :) Love you!!