Yesterday I went to my friend's birthday party. The party was at a spa and salon. When we first got there one of the ladies who worked there gave us all little schedules on a note card, with our names on it.
This was my schedule.
2:15 Facial
2:25 Facial
2:35 Hydro
2:45 Break
2:55 Manicure
3:05 Snack
3:15 Foot soak
3:25 Pedicure
It was crazy! First of all, I had never been to a spa before and never even got one of these things. (Besides breaks and snacks.) The invitation said that we would get a facial and a manicure OR a pedicure. To me just that was awesome. But this was even more awesome!
I saw "hydro" on my schedule, but didn't have any idea what that was. So I thought that maybe you might not either, so let me tell you what a hydro is. A hydro is when you are on this mattress filled with water, then water sprays up and down your body for 10 minutes. (The water sprays inside of the mattress so you won't get wet.) It feels as if you were getting a massage. It feels so good.
The manicure and the pedicure was so much fun as well! I think I liked the pedicure the best. My finger nails are a turquoise blue with some glimmer. And my toe nails are hot pink.
After we finished our schedules the birthday girl opened presents. We had cupcakes and she gave us all little bookmarks with a verse on it. The verse was 1 Samuel 16:7b. It said this, "For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance,but the Lord looks at the heart."
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