Monday, December 10, 2012
The Amazing Water Park!
My Grandma,Grandma,Auntie,Justin,Daddy,Mommy,Kylia,Zoie and Me went to the Wings and Waves Water Park as soon as it opened which was 9:00 I think. It was so much fun!! There was a tree house with little slides and fountains. There was a helicopter that filled up a huge bucket of water. Then the bucket would tip over and all the water splashed all over you. There was a pool, there was also basket ball hoops and balls so that you could play water basketball. There was a whirl pool that made you spin around when yer fell all over you. There was a pool with balls and hoops so that you hopped in. There was a wave pool. When a big alarm goes off, waves start to come and there is music and cool lights in the wave pool and also there is a big screen so that you can watch football of baseball or basketball. (They usually play what ever is on, sports wise.) Know I am about to tell you the best part. First you have to get a big tube (there are double tubes as well) and then you have to walk up one hundred eleven stairs. I know it doesn't sound too exciting yet but when you start getting higher up you start to climb into a big airplane in top of the building. Inside the airplane is a big blue slide a big yellow slide a big green slide and a long orange slide. (orange slide you don't need a tube.) I won't tell you what the slides do cause I wan't you to discover it on your own:) The big slides are not as short as the little slides on the tree house. We ate at Milky Way Cafe and had yummy lunches. We all had a great day and we were all tired the next day.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Grandmas Birthday!!
Grandma and Grandpa came up for Grandma's birthday and Kylia, Zoie and my soccer games. We went to a restaurant at Gig Harbor. I split french toast with Zoie. It was good and filling :) We walked around the town, and walked through a park that was on the water. We went through some Christmas shops. There were a lot of fun things and pretty things. We had a great day!!!
We had lots of soccer games when Grandma and Grandpa came up. Zoie had a game and she did a great job. Kylia and I had two games. We won both games 6-1 and 6-1. I had a great weekend!! Grandma, I hope you had a good weekend too!!
We had lots of soccer games when Grandma and Grandpa came up. Zoie had a game and she did a great job. Kylia and I had two games. We won both games 6-1 and 6-1. I had a great weekend!! Grandma, I hope you had a good weekend too!!
Cake Pops
I made cake pops for Grandma Marty's birthday. It is not too hard because Auntie gave me some supplies to make cake pops. This is what I got: a cake pop pan, some sprinkles, some Hershey's Cocoa, some chocolate chips, lollipop sticks, and some frosting tips. I also made them for a cooking class in school.
This is the recipe for fudgy cake pops.
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
This is the recipe for fudgy cake pops.
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar
3 Tbsp cocoa
2 eggs
3/4 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
24 lollipop sticks
white chocolate to melt
and assorted sprinkles
Directions- Heat oven to 325 degrees F.
Grease pan set aside. In medium saucepan over low heat melt chocolate chips and butter together until smooth. Remove from heat and pour into medium bowl. Add sugar and cocoa, mix until blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add flour and salt, stir until blended. Spoon batter into bottom half of the pan without holes filling each well so that they mound over the top of the pan. Place top half of pan on top and secure with keys. Bake for 20-25 minutes,until toothpick inserted comes out almost clean. Cool 5 minutes in pan, remove cake pops from pan to cool completely. melt white chocolate. Dip lollipop stick in white chocolate then stick the stick in the cake pop, then let it harden before you dip the whole cake pop in the white chocolate. After it hardens dip the hole cake pop in the white chocolate, spinning to let excess chocolate drip off. Decorate with sprinkles as desired.
Place on plate with wax paper. Makes about 24 cake pops.
Mine turned out great!! I hope yours turn out great too!!
Grease pan set aside. In medium saucepan over low heat melt chocolate chips and butter together until smooth. Remove from heat and pour into medium bowl. Add sugar and cocoa, mix until blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add flour and salt, stir until blended. Spoon batter into bottom half of the pan without holes filling each well so that they mound over the top of the pan. Place top half of pan on top and secure with keys. Bake for 20-25 minutes,until toothpick inserted comes out almost clean. Cool 5 minutes in pan, remove cake pops from pan to cool completely. melt white chocolate. Dip lollipop stick in white chocolate then stick the stick in the cake pop, then let it harden before you dip the whole cake pop in the white chocolate. After it hardens dip the hole cake pop in the white chocolate, spinning to let excess chocolate drip off. Decorate with sprinkles as desired.
Place on plate with wax paper. Makes about 24 cake pops.
Mine turned out great!! I hope yours turn out great too!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Treasure Hunt
For my birthday I had a treasure hunt party with my friends.
-Clue 1-
To begin we must eat,
We went back home and had our treasure chest cake. And played a game of pin the crown on the princess. We decorated our own crowns. When
we were done playing the game we put the crowns on us.
I had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!
-Clue 1-
crown has gone missing.
princess dismayed
you detectives,
coming this day.
To begin we must eat,
To keep up our strength.
So sit yourselves down
At the table of length.
So we did just that and we ate Mac-&-Cheese and Hot Dogs yum yum!!!
-Clue 2-
This first clue is simple.
No need to go far.
Mixed in the silver,
Is your clue in this jar.
So we looked in the house and we looked and we looked and then we saw the next clue in the money container.
-Clue 3-
Out the door you must go,
Back and forth, to and fro,
Round and round the tire goes.
Climb up the mountain,
And there you will find,
The next awesome clue
If you are not blind.
So we walked to the blue park where the tire swing swings and up on the climbing rocks lay the next clue.
-Clue 4-
Fall is coming so very fast,
The leaves are changing, what a blast!
Through our window you will see,
The next clue flying free.
We ran all the way back to the house and looked in our tree. There it is, but it is to high we have to hold up Haley our friend. She got it!
-Clue 5-
She teaches, she sews,
Her love for you grows.
So say these words dear,
Her hug, do not fear.
“Wiggle, wiggle, jiggle, jiggle,
Walk-a-walk-a, bing, bang, bong.”
We walked up to Mommy and hugged her so much and said "Wiggle, wiggle,jiggle, jiggle, Walk-a-walk-a,bing ,bang, bong" and she gave us the clue.
-Clue 6-
Hop on in, take a ride,
To the path, right beside.
There’s a fence you must cross,
Find the tree, with the moss.
We got in the car and drove to the fence and went to a tree and got the next clue.
-Clue 7-
There will not be a door,
But a bench you will see.
Sit right down by the tree.
Look high and look low,
But don’t be too slow.
So we started to run to the beach and the first bench we saw we sat right down and looked all around for the clue. Then Zoie looked behind the bench, she found it. Hooray!!
-Clue 8-
You are doing great! Keep it up!
Straight ahead the path cracks up.
To the right you will see,
a sign, BEWARE, there danger be.
We knew what that meant so we ran some more to the gravel road and behind the sign there lay the next clue.
Up ahead the road curves right,
But stop right there, your clue’s in sight.
At a spot meant just for four,
Sit right down, you’ll spot the shore.
We are getting closer and the pirates might be looking for it so we started to tiptoe. We tiptoed to the picnic table there was Daddy!! He said to look for a map and we did and we found it. This is what the map said.....
Beware you must choose a girl who is as old as the number of ones toes. To retrieve the chest! The treasure is close! It's been sunk at sea. But if the tide is right a blue whale will help make it float. But you will need tools to get it. Start with combining all your air to make a raft. Follow the trail of tools to your treasure chest.
We found the raft and blew it up. Then we followed the tools. These are what the tools were. A swimsuit, a snorkel mask, a towel, and a life jacket. You know what that means I have to get on my raft and swim to get to the chest. And that is exactly what I did!
I did it I got the chest we opened it and found jewels necklaces and candy. Hooray!!!!!!!!
We went back home and had our treasure chest cake. And played a game of pin the crown on the princess. We decorated our own crowns. When
I had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Madagascar 3
(I don't have any pictures but its a picture of me) |
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Zoie's Birthday

Happy Birthday Zoie!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
My Slumber Party
On Friday night I went to a Slumber Party. The house was big and there were 2 dogs named Charlie and Jasmine they protected the house. I went up stairs to set up my sleeping bag. The upstairs was huge and there was a fuse ball table and ping pong. We had dinner which was tacos it was delicious. After that we rode the horses. The horse was tall and was hard to get on. We went inside and had icecream for dessert it was delicious. Then we watched Tangled with glow sticks. We went to bed at 12:30, I was tired and I went to sleep fast. In the morning we went on a morning walk and I learned how to milk a cow, plow a wheat field and make wheat. We walked over to the cows and gave them more hay to eat. Then we went to the horses and fed them too. We ate yummy cinnamon rolls, eggs, fruit and juice yum yum!!!
I had a BLAST!!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Daddy Daughter Date
Sunday, April 1, 2012
My First Soccer Game
I am throwing the ball to Kylia. "Run ahead Kylia. Get the ball!" |
I played forward, defense and center. We did not win but it was still a good game. Grandma Marty, Grandpa Dale, Auntie and Justin all came for our game.
Hanging out with Grandparents
Grandma Sherri and Grandpa Lonnie came down to take my sisters and me for the week. When they came they brought Kentucky Fried Chicken and we had lunch together. Then we drove down to Portland. We went straight to the movies and watched The Lorax, It is a great movie by the way! We had dinner at Subway and I had a pizza sub. It was good. The next day we went on a walk with just Grandpa and he took us to a donut place and we had donuts and hot cocoa. Then we went to the library and got to choose one book, I got If I Ran the Circus by Dr. Seuss . Then Grandma came home and we had lunch. We went shopping and we tried on some cute clothes but did not buy any. Then we went to Dairy Queen before dinner, yum, yum, yum!! Then we went to Costco and bought Easter dresses. They are so pretty!!!!!!!! Then we went home and me and Grandpa went to get Burger King and brought it home to eat with our movie Kung Fu Panda 2. The next day Zoie got a fever so we stayed home and played games and watched movies. The next day we went home and when we got there we walked upstairs to a new pink,brown and polka dot room.. We were so surprised!!!!!
See you soon everybody !!
I Love you all!!!
And Happy Birthday Grandpa Lonnie!
Oh and Happy April Fools Day!!!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Slumber Party Coming Up
I am going to a Slumber Party on April 20th. The Slumber Party is at a farm, they said that I might even get to ride a horse. There is going to be fun farm games, snacks and probably a whole lot more. I know it is a long ways away but I am so excited!!!!!!!! (I am going to another blog about what happened so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Fun with Auntie and Justin
On Saturday Auntie and Justin came up.
We had our first soccer game and then the fun began!
First we went out to eat at Chipotle,then we went to Chuck E Cheese,then Glow in the dark Miniature
Golf,then Auntie and Justin bought us new shoes,then Auntie bought my dad a Blue Ray Player,then they bought us Kung Fu Panda 2on blue ray. Then we went home and watched Kung Fu Panda 2 together I had a blast!!!!!
Thank you Auntie and Justin :)
( I did not have any pictures of us on that day so here is another picture)
We had our first soccer game and then the fun began!
First we went out to eat at Chipotle,then we went to Chuck E Cheese,then Glow in the dark Miniature
Golf,then Auntie and Justin bought us new shoes,then Auntie bought my dad a Blue Ray Player,then they bought us Kung Fu Panda 2on blue ray. Then we went home and watched Kung Fu Panda 2 together I had a blast!!!!!
Thank you Auntie and Justin :)
( I did not have any pictures of us on that day so here is another picture)
Friday, March 9, 2012
Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters
We went to see the play about Mufaros Beautiful Daughters on Tuesday with are friends. Here is the story : (Oh and by the way the words in purple are what I said and the words in the blue is the story I found online) Enjoy!
Mufaro's beautiful daughters is about two sisters Manyara and Nyasha, who are very beautiful, but who have completely opposite personalities. Manyara is selfish and assertive, while Nyasha is selfless and charitable. Word reaches them that the King of their land is searching for the “Most Worthy and Beautiful” girls in the land so that he can choose a queen. Both set out for the palace, but along the way are met with people of various infirmities who ask them for help. As it turns out, these people are placed there by the King to test the character of the sisters. Manyara, in her haste to get to the palace, is rude and dismissive of these people; Nyasha, on the other hand, stops to help each one by sacrificing something of hers. When they get to the palace, Nyasha is chosen to be queen.
The moral of the story, which seems to be that kind, and loving people are deserving of reward while selfish, power-hungry people are not. Was Manyara beautiful? No, she might be pretty on the outside but when you are pretty on the outside and not pretty on the inside the ugliness starts to show on the outside. Nyasha was pretty on the inside because she was kind and loving and now her prettiness on the inside is now showing on the outside, does that make sense? If you have any questions write a comment our you can write a comment because you like it. Thanks for reading bye! There was a lot of funny dances and lots of singing. I thought it was hilarious and fun!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Pacific Science Center
Did you know that some penguins live really close to the equator so that means they love hot air.
Did you know that male polar bears eat female bears and people.
We went to the polar ice exhibits and learned about polar bears and seals and other things that live in cold places.
We also learned about dinosaurs.
We also went in to the butterfly room.
There were real butterfly's they were blue,orange,purple,yellow and brown.
It was 85 degrees in the butterfly room.
We saw the space needle it was so cool.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Hanging out with a friend
Yesterday my moms friend came over and she brought her i pad and i phone
So we played on her i pad and i phone.
Then we ate a few pieces of candy then another piece of candy.
Then when Kylia brought saw bubble gum every body got some and started doing a bubble gum contest.
Kylia did a pretty good bubble and Zoie did pretty good wads and flats and me well I am still working on bubbles and our friend she did a enormous bubble and so.
She won 1st Kylia won 2nd .
We had a good time!
So we played on her i pad and i phone.
Then we ate a few pieces of candy then another piece of candy.
Then when Kylia brought saw bubble gum every body got some and started doing a bubble gum contest.
Kylia did a pretty good bubble and Zoie did pretty good wads and flats and me well I am still working on bubbles and our friend she did a enormous bubble and so.
She won 1st Kylia won 2nd .
We had a good time!
Daddy Daughter Date
Last week me and dad went to see Journey 2 the Mysterious Island in IMAX 3D.
The movie was made for kids so it wasn't scary.
There was a lot of big bugs big lizards and the elephants were little.
The volcano shot out pieces of gold.
They were trying to find the boys grandfather because he sent a message to the boy. (or should i say teenage boy) Well I shouldn't tell you all of it so I will stop.
I had a good time with my dad!
There was a lot of big bugs big lizards and the elephants were little.
The volcano shot out pieces of gold.
They were trying to find the boys grandfather because he sent a message to the boy. (or should i say teenage boy) Well I shouldn't tell you all of it so I will stop.
I had a good time with my dad!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
In my book I did five sections and moved into discovery two.
I went to the store and got a Fancy Nancy Glitter Puzzle 100 Piece.
In Awanas there is a purse and we get tickets for saying verses, and what you do with the tickets is you write your name on it and put it in the purse. Then my teacher draws out of the purse five times and however gets drawn in the five times gets a bag full of candy and little stuffed animals.
And guess what I got drawn!!!!!
I have to get 40 sections to get to the girls sleepover.
I am so excited!
I will try to get the 40 sections done so I can go.
I Love you all
Friday, February 10, 2012
Coming back blogging
Hi everybody I think I will be doing blogs again.
It has been so long .
I was looking at the my blogs and seeing how fun it is to keep a blog and remember all the fun times that I did in my life. So I am going to start doing it again
I love you all!
and Happy Valentines Day
PS I probably wont do a blog
every day but I will do a blog every week
It has been so long .
I was looking at the my blogs and seeing how fun it is to keep a blog and remember all the fun times that I did in my life. So I am going to start doing it again
and Happy Valentines Day
PS I probably wont do a blog
every day but I will do a blog every week
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