Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun with daddy.

Last night it was fun Friday. For fun Friday we went to the climbing rock Kylia almost made it to the top. I was almost to the top. Then daddy tried after that mommy tried. Kylia wanted to go 4 times so she went 4 times. Then we went to adventure land the slide was really fast and you could go really high. At the very top there was space ships that you could go in. Then mommy did Zumba as we were playing. Then mommy was done and we went back home and mommy dropped us off and she went and had fun. We had pizza and watched G-Force (It is about hamsters saving the world.) And for desert we had cookies.


  1. Adalie, it was lots of fun watching you girls climb so high last night. You are super-de-duper brave!!

  2. Wow, that looks like you are so high! I would be scared to do that. You are brave girls! I'm glad you had a fun Friday!

    Love and hugs,
