Friday, May 23, 2014

Order Scarves On Sunday!

Hi everybody!
        My fundraiser for soccer is going great.  I'm still taking orders for the scarves.  I'm going to bring a sample to church on Sunday, and you can order there if you want.  You can still order whenever you want, I'm just going to be at church if you wanted to order in person. :)
       I'm getting really excited for my first soccer practice.  I met my coach and I know a few girls on my team.  I can't wait to start this new adventure!
      Here are the colors for the scarves:
Variegated: Pink, Dark Purple, Neutral Colors, Blue, Red, Silver, Gold, Purple and Yellow!
Silver Lining: Red, Blue, Black, Green!
Metallic: Silver, Gold, Blue!
I took off the sequins because they were a little short.
       (If you haven't heard about my soccer fundraiser go to my post that is called:
"Fundraiser For Soccer!")
       I had my first delivery a few days ago and it was fun!  Here's some photos!  Enjoy :)
I wrote bible verses on tags to attach to the scarves.  I prayed and got verses for that one person.                             

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New Scarves!!!

Hi everybody!!

We're making great progress on our scarves!  If you want to order one we are still taking orders.  If you have not heard of my soccer fundraiser you can go to my last blog and it will give you all the details.  Here is a picture of two scarves that I have been working on.  The one on the left is black & white sequins and on the right is the blue sequins.  For those of you who have already ordered, thank you so much!  

     The one below, that I am wearing, has been one of our best sellers.  It is the pink variegated.  
     My TC coach said that I have to juggle the soccer ball 25 times in a row before our first practice.  So I have been practicing.  (Normally, without the scarf. :))

Monday, May 12, 2014

Fundraiser For Soccer!

I have an announcement to make!!.........

I tried out for a competitive soccer league called TC United, and I made the select team!!  I thought that was pretty awesome!!  So I am having a little fundraiser to earn money so I can play on the team.  I am making sashay scarves to sell.  Here's a picture of one.
If you want to pre-order one let me know what colors you want and I will make you one.  I am selling them for $25.00 a piece.  Here are four that we are working on right now.  The far left is pink variegated, then dark purple variegated, neutral, and finally red with silver lining.

Here are all the colors that are available. 

Silver Lining   Variegated          Sequins             Metallic  
Black                   Blue                         Dark Purple       Silver
Blue                     Dark Purple              Blue                   Gold
Green                   Silver                       Red                    Blue
Red                      Gold                                                            
                             Black & White
                             Purple & Yellow
                             Neutral Colors

You can call my mom to order.  360-556-3047
Or email at
Or simply leave a comment.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Spa Day!

Hi Everyone!

        Yesterday I went to my friend's birthday party.  The party was at a spa and salon.  When we first got there one of the ladies who worked there gave us all little schedules on a note card, with our names on it.
This was my schedule.


 2:15  Facial  
 2:25  Facial
 2:35  Hydro 
 2:45  Break
 2:55  Manicure  
 3:05  Snack
 3:15  Foot soak
 3:25  Pedicure

         It was crazy!  First of all, I had never been to a spa before and never even got one of these things.  (Besides breaks and snacks.)  The invitation said that we would get a facial and a manicure OR  a pedicure.  To me just that was awesome.   But this was even more awesome!
         I saw "hydro" on my schedule, but didn't have any idea what that was.  So I thought that maybe you might not either, so let me tell you what a hydro is.  A hydro is when you are on this mattress filled with water, then water sprays up and down your body for 10 minutes.  (The water sprays inside of the mattress so you won't get wet.)   It feels as if you were getting a massage.  It feels so good. 
        The manicure and the pedicure was so much fun as well!  I think I liked the pedicure the best.  My finger nails are a turquoise blue with some glimmer.  And my toe nails are hot pink. 
        After we finished our schedules the birthday girl opened presents.  We had cupcakes and she gave us all little bookmarks with a verse on it.  The verse was 1 Samuel 16:7b.  It said this,  "For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance,but the Lord looks at the heart."   

Field Trip with Friends!

Hi!  I would like to tell you about a field trip.
  We went to the Black Sheep Creamery.  
We got to see little lambs inside of a barn.  They were so cute!  Some of them were born two weeks ago.  We got to see where they made the cheese and yogurt.  It was interesting.  I never knew that there was such thing as sheep milk, cheese, and yogurt.  After that we went into a big pasture where the sheep were.  They let us pet them at the beginning, but some of the kids chased them around and they got pretty skiddish.  One of my friends was scared of the sheep because they were bigger then her.  She was only two.  She wanted me to pick her up all the time.  I did pick her up, but my arms got tired and I had to give her to someone else.  Then a few minutes after that the person that I handed her off to came back and said that she wanted me to hold her again.  When I was walking around, some sheep followed me.  It was like I was their little shepherdess.  There were two big dogs on the farm to protect the sheep.  Before they got the dogs they lost eleven sheep.  Now that they have the dogs they haven't
lost one sheep.  The coyotes smell the dog or hear the dogs and don't come near the sheep anymore.  At the end of the field trip anyone who wanted to try sheep cheese or sheep yogurt could.  I didn't try any because I didn't think I would like it.  But Zoie tried some of both and she said it was the worst.  Some of my friends didn't like it either. So I am glad that I didn't try it.  
There's me with my little friend.
Entering the sheep pasture.

I was able to pet some of them.

The big dog!

Zoie herding up the sheep.

I am a true shepherdess.
                                                           It was a great field trip!