Monday, November 23, 2009

My Thanksgiving Ideas

For Thanksgiving I have a plan! This is my plan. Well, I was thinking that me, Kylia and Zoie could be the three chefs. We could set the table, we could bring the food over, we could get the food for the persons and then we'll get our food, and we'll eat our food. After that the grown-ups could have a game night and me and Kylia and Zoie could just relax and watch a movie. And then we could take a nice, nice, sleep. I can't wait to see you!! I hope you like my ideas!


  1. That is a great plan! I can't wait to see you! Love, Auntie.

  2. I wish we could see you on Thanksgiving, Adalie! Sounds like you have everything all planned out and are going to have a really fun time. We'll see you in a few weeks for Christmas!!! I can't wait!! I love you! Aunt Jackie

  3. Adalie, what a great plan! I have a plan, too. I thought you and Kylia and Zoie could help me make some turkey centerpieces from apples. Sort of like your turkeys. We could make one for each person's place. Would you like to do that?

  4. Love you Adalie! Your ideas are awesome!
